Readers panel

What is the Readers’ Panel?

The Readers’ Panel is a group of people who have volunteered to read new and newly revised information that the staff at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust write for their patients. Feedback from patients and the public is an integral part of our quality assessment process.

Why does the Trust need a Readers’ Panel?

We need people to volunteer to be part of the panel because we feel that patients and the public can tell us if we are getting the information right. It is important to us that we know we are using the right words, in the right way to get our message across clearly.


How does the Readers’ Panel work?

No more than once a month, volunteers will be asked to attend our panel here at Croydon Services

They are asked to think about:

  • How the information is worded
  • How it is presented
  • Whether it answers the questions they would have

All members are free to comment on any aspect of the leaflet that they feel needs improvement or praise.

How do I sign up?

If you'd like to become a member of the Readers' Panel, please refer to the volunteer page here Volunteer | Croydon Health Services NHS Trust