atient Experience and Public Engagement Strategy 2024-2027
We're delighted to be sharing our second People’s Experience, Engagement and Involvement Strategy, our plan for ensuring that our services meet the needs of our local residents and that the views of our patients and their loved ones help to shape a health and care system that's right for them.
This strategy outlines our plans to work with the people of Croydon to continuously improve our care and the services we provide over the next three years.
From taking action on patient feedback, to hosting public involvement workshops to co-design future projects, while ensuring our communication is clear with the help of a reader's panel, there's plenty of ways for us to engage with local people to ensure we provide excellent care for all.
If you're looking to get involved, get in touch with our Patient Experiences team on to find out more.
Click on the image below to download your own copy of the strategy.