GP education evenings
Croydon Health Services hosts frequent GP educational events, aimed at keeping GPs up-to-date on the latest service developments, guidelines and referral pathways.
Our educational evenings are a great way to find out more about our services and to meet the clinicians involved. It is also a good opportunity to network with other practitioners in the borough.
Run in partnership with Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group, these popular educational events cover a wide range of topics, treatments and initiatives.
Each event is worth 1.5 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points.
All events take place in the Post Graduate Medical Centre at Croydon University Hospital.
Educational evenings are preceded by a sponsored complimentary dinner, which is served from 6.45pm and the lecture will commence at 7.30pm. There is complimentary car parking.
Sign-up to our GP mailing list to receive details of future events. You can call 020 8401 4236 for more information.
Presentations from recent GP education events can be accessed via the drop-down menu on the right.
Thursday 19 September 2019 - Obstetrics in Primary Care
Thursday 17 October 2019 - Paediatrics
Thursday 21 November 2019 - TBA
Please note:
- Certificates (1.5 hours CPD) will be available on the presentation of your completed feedback questionnaire
- A registration link will be sent out approximately three weeks before each planned session
- If you have an interesting topic, which you would like to see added to our programme of events, please let us know
- No meetings are planned for August or December
Medical Ethics
Thursday 11 July 2019
The event included an introductory welcome by Dr Kamran Khan, GP Educational Lead and presentations delivered by Dr John Spicer and Dr Benedict Hayhoe on some ethical perspectives on the care of patients who are, or might be, approaching the end of life:
- Introduction and primary care end of life with John Spicer
- Decision-making in primary care with Benedict Hayhoe
- Benefits and burdens with Benedict Hayhoe
- Ordinary and extraordinary treatments with John Spicer
Rheumatology - Inflammatory Spondyloarthropathies
Thursday 13 June 2019
The event included an introductory welcome by Dr Kamran Khan, GP Educational Lead and presentations delivered by:
- Introduction: Dr Natalie Horwood, Consultant, Rheumatology
- Psoriatic Spondyloarthropathies: Dr Sarah Levy, Consultant Rheumatology
- Imaging in PSA: Dr Tazeen Ahmed, Consultant, Rheumatology
- Hints and tips for examining the back: Beverley Jerome, Practitioner, Rheumatology
- Ankylosing Spondylitis and non-radiographic SpA: Dr Rosh Sathananthan, Consultant, Rheumatology
- Imaging in SpA: Dr Tazeen Ahmed, Consultant, Rheumatology
- Support for those with SpA: NASS
Multidisciplinary Management of Osteporotic Vertebral Fractures
Thursday 23 May 2019
- Welcome and introduction: Dr Kamran Khan, GP Educational Lead
- Medical management: Dr R Rajak, Osteoporosis Lead and Rheumatology Consultant
- Surgical management: Mr M Kotrba, Orthopaedic Consultant
- Pain management: Dr B Nejad, Pain Consultant
- Physical management: Mrs S Peerman, ES Physiotherapist
Perinatal Mental Health Champions’ Event
Thursday 25th April 2019
- Welcome and introduction by Dr Kamran Khan, GP Educational Lead.
- Dr Annie Murphy and Dr Monal Wadhera (GP Champions in Perinatal MH): Perinatal Mental Health GP Spotlight Project
- Dr Catherine Hinds, Consultant Psychiatrist, Community Perinatal Mental Health (Croydon), South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust: Perinatal Mental Health Service in Croydon & Prescribing in Pregnancy and Breastfeeding
- Dr. Nicola Vousden, Academic Clinical Fellow in Public Health, Croydon Council: Mapping perinatal mental health services across the borough: identifying successes and challenges in primary care
Primary/Secondary Care Cancer Speed Networking Event
Thursday 21st March 2019
GP advice from secondary care MDT members on improving quality two week wait referrals for cancer.
Ischaemic Heart Disease: Stable Angina - Guidelines & Common Sense
Thursday 28th February 2019
With Dr Sanjay Kumar, PhD MRCP, Consultant Cardiologist
Dr Sanjay discussed the 2016 updated NICE guidance, interpreting findings and the role of different treatments.
Thursday 17th January 2019
- Dr Ameesh Patel, GP and Clinical lead for Digestive Diseases spoke about Quantitative faecal immunochemical test to guide referrals for colorectal cancer in primary care
- Mr Said Mohamed, Consultant Colorectal and General Surgeon presented on GP and consultant collaboration for management of routine colorectal and gastrointestinal referrals
- Dr Mike Mendall, Consultant Gastroenterologist spoke about a new clinical approach for the management of patients with inflammatory bowel disease
- Mr Abulafi, Consultant, Colorectal also spoke at the session
Ear, nose and throat GP education update evening
Thursday 22nd October 2018 6.45-9pm
With Mr Giri Wijayasingam, Consultant ENT Surgeon at CHS
Mr Wijayasingam discussed
- Tinnitus
- Hearing tests using Weber's tuning fork
- Glue ear, ear wax and hearing loss pathways
Cardiology GP education update evening
Thursday 11th October 2018 6.45-9pm
With Dr Husain Shabeeh, Consultant Cardiologist at CHS.
Dr Shabeeh discussed heart rhythm disorders and ECGs.
Biochemistry and haematology GP education update evening
Thursday 13th September 2018
With Dr Les Perry, Consultant Clinical Biochemist and Pathology Lead at CUH and Dr Arne Dekreuk Locum Consultant Haematologist at CHS.
Dr Perry spoke about ‘Demand management: carrot or the stick’ - Croydon GP Biochemistry test requesting and how through evidence base GPs can demand manage without compromising patient care.
Dr Dekreuk discussed a practical approach of an abnormal blood count in primary health care; to refer or not to refer?
Sickle Cell Anaemia GP education update evening
Thursday 19th July 2018
Dr Arne Dekreuk, Locum Consultant Haematologist at CHS presented a practical case-based discussion on sickle cell disease, which included the following areas:
- Prevention of sickle cell related complications; annual review
- Identification of those at (high) risk
- Role of the GP
- Pain management
CHS Trauma & Orthopaedics and SWLEOC GP education update evening
Thursday 21st June 2018
With Mr Anestis Iossifidis, Mr Kumar Kunasingam and Mr Christian Kinmont, Consultant Trauma and Orthopaedic Surgeons at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust.
The following talks updated on some of our Trauma and Orthopaedic expertise at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust and arrangements with the South West London Elective Orthopaedic Centre:
Modern advancements in foot and ankle - a practical review
Mr Kunasingam will spoke about a new, less invasive operation for bunions, done under general anaesthetic which he started to perform at the start of the year. This advancement now means that patients can start walking a few hours after surgery, rather than days later.
Update on current treatment of shoulder conditions
Mr Iossifidis, a senior upper limb specialist in the unit in all aspects of the shoulder from trauma to keyhole/arthroscopic shoulder surgery and replacement surgery spoke about minimal invasive procedures in total shoulder replacement and arthroscopic surgery.
Management of OA of the knee: the roles of CUH and EOC
The diagnosis and management of OA of the knee was presented by Mr Kinmont, along with management options of clinic and surgery at CUH and the EOC. This was an opportunity to hear about knee patient pathways in the Croydon area.
"I'm sorry, your kidneys are about to fail" Kidney disease GP education evening – book your place!
Thursday 10th May 2018
Dr Vipula De Silva, CHS Consultant Nephrologist spoke about preparing patients for end stage kidney disease and the options available to them.
Osteoporosis update GP education evening
Thursday 19 April 2018
Talks by CHS staff:
- 7:00 - 7:25 - Bisphosphonate Drug Holiday (Case and local guideline) and a talk about Vitamin D + 5 minutes for discussions (Dr R Rajak,Consultant Rheumatologist)
- 7:30 - 7:55 - Aromatase Inhibitors and Osteoporosis (Case and local guideline) + 5 minutes for discussions (Miss S Horn, Consultant Oncoplastic and Reconstructive Breast Surgeon )
- 8:00 - 8:25 - Atypical Femoral Fractures (Case and local guideline) + 5 minutes for discussions (Dr J Rehman, Consultant Geriatrician)
- 8:30 - 8:55 - Falls and Bone Health (Case) + 5 minutes for discussions (Dr W Tan, Falls Lead, Consultant Geriatrician).
Digestive surgery at CUH
Thursday 22 March 2018
A series of talks looking at the wide range of specialist skills and expertise we offer for digestive surgery at Croydon University Hospital:
βAn update on acute management of gallstones: Mr Rhys Thomas, Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
Acid reflux surgery: Mr Aggelos Laliotis, Locum Consultant Upper GI Surgeon
Haemorrhoids and their management: Mr Said Mohamed, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Overview of the the Croydon colorectal polyp MDT and a summary of their surveillance pathways: Mr Ian Swift, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
Diverticular disease: Mr Arun Shanmuganandan, a Colorectal Consultant Surgeon
Two week referral pathways and home faecal immunochemistry testing for colorectal cancer, FIT study: Mr Muti Abulafi, Consultant Colorectal Surgeon
New development on AKI and management for Primary Care – a talk about what you need to know before changes take place
27 February 2018
Dr Charles Soper, Consultant Nephrologist and AKI lead at CUH and Dr Manu Prakash Consultant Nephrologist and Acute Med Physician at CUH
Inflammatory Arthritis – “getting it right!”
22nd February 2018
Dr Natalie Horwood, Consultant Rheumatologist and the Rheumatology Team at CHS gave an update on best management, treatments and referral pathways for early arthritis.
Headache management and neurology examination
25 January 2018
With Dr Fred Schon, CHS Consultant Neurologist
Obstetrics and Gynaecology
16 November 2017
Gynaecology referrals: Getting it right first time - Miss Bini Ajay, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist at CHS and Miss Ranee Thakar, Consultant Urogynaecologist
Vulval Clinic at CHS - Mr Ahmed Kamal Consultant in Obstetrics & Gynaecology at CHS
Managing abnormal menstrual bleeding - Mr Vivek Nama, Consultant Gynaecologist at CHS
Fertility and Endometriosis services in CUH - Mr Emmanuel Ofuasia, Consultant Obstetrician & Gynaecologist
Update on Croydon Maternity Services - Ann Morling, Director of Midwifery
Measuring symphysio - fundal height - Gina Short, Consultant Midwife
Obstetric referrals – Right place right time - Beckie Board, Intrapartum Matron
19 October 2017
Dr Valeria Pergola Consultant Cardiologist at CHS, spoke about Aortic Stenosis, and Dr Husain Shabeeh Consultant Cardiologist at CHS spoke about Heart Rhythm.
A new strategy for ENT in Croydon with practical advice for GPs
14 September 2017
Mr Robert Harris, ENT Consultant at CHS.
Mary O’Hara, Professional Lead for Adult Speech and Language Therapy at CHS.
Trauma and Orthopaedics
13 July 2017
A talk on minimally invasive forefoot surgery by Mr Kunasingam, Consultant Orthopaedic Surgeon specialising in foot and ankle conditions at CHS
Prostate cancer, haematuria, uti and sterile pyuria
15 June 2017
Recent updates on prostate cancer - the evidence behind the headlines. How to manage UTIs and haematuria with a discussion on sterile pyuria with Mr Mark Lynch, Consultant Urological Surgeon.
Paediatric nutrition
2 May 2017
Dr Kamran Khan, GP Tutor, Croydon CCG
Changes to the Prescribing of specialised infant formula - Claudette Allerdyce – Croydon CCG
Reflux, Lactose Intolerance or Cow’s Milk Protein Allergy? Update on management and case studies - Sarah Baker, Paediatrician Dietician CHS
Question and Answers - Dr Trish Radia Consultant Paediatrician & Sarah Baker, Paediatrician Dietician CHS
Next Steps - Claudette Allerdyce- Croydon CCG
Hypertension urgencies and emergencies
20 April 2017
Dr Srikanth Akunuri, Acute and General Physician and Clinical Pharmacologist at Croydon University Hospital.
Discussion included: epidemiology, pathophysiology and the management including suitable parental and oral agents.
Obstetrics and Gynaecology at CUH
23 February 2017
Miss Ranee Thakar, Consultant Urogynaecologist, CBU Lead
Rapid access service in gynaecology - Improving efficiency: Mr Vivek Nama, Consultant Oncology Lead
Antenatal screening: Miss Heather Allen-Coward, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist
Stella Sebuwufu, Antenatal Screening midwifeWorking together to improve maternity care in Croydon: Miss Bini Ajay, Consultant Obstetrician and Gynaecologist, Lena Karam, Clinical Midwifery Manager, Rebecca Board, Clinical Midwifery Manager
Everything you need to know about the LAS and how to get the most out of the service
19 January 2017
Dr Agatha Nortley-Meshe, Assistant Medical Director at the London Ambulance Service NHS Trust, who is also a GP will discuss how GPs can get the most out of the London Ambulance Service. Dr Nortley-Meshe has worked in Croydon for several years.
17 November 2016
Barrett's Oesophagus – Dr Sanjay Gupta
Viral Hepatitis – Dr Zinu Philipose
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease – Dr Parth Paskaran
Inflammatory Bowel Disease – Dr Mike Mendall & Nurse Specialist Dee Braim
Iron Deficiency Anaemia - Dr Panagiotis Stamoulos
Foot and Ankle update
20 October 2016
Croydon Foot and Ankle Service - Mr Kumar Kunasingam, Foot and Ankle Surgeon at CHS
A presentation about the service, common conditions seen, case scenarios and surgical management.
MCATS & T&O pathway: Steve Bramson, Orthopaedic Practitioner, MCATS at CHS
Practical workshop: Led by Mr Kumar Kunasingam with the MCATS team and physiotherapists.
Integrated Management of Osteoporosis at Croydon Health Services
29 September 2017
Medical Therapies for Osteoporosis and Reducing Fracture Risk
Dr Rizwan Rajak (Osteoporosis Lead and Consultant Rheumatologist at CUH)
Vitamin D replacement
Dr Natalie Horwood (Consultant Rheumatologist at CUH)
‘What we do in Falls Clinic’
Dr Wallace Tan (Falls lead and Consultant Geriatrician at CUH)
Lifestyle optimization: Exercise & Diet
Mrs Suzie Peerman (Physiotherapist, CUH) & Mrs Kay Eaton (Dietician, CUH)
New developments in epilepsy & neurology for Generalists
14 July 2016
Bridget MacDonald Consultant Neurologist at Croydon University Hospital and St George's Hospital
A Stroke Management GP Education Evening
16 June 2016
Dr Karen Kee, a Consultant Physician in Stroke & Elderly Care at CHS. Topics include: Stroke pathways, with an update on thrombectomy
Stroke management, with an update on DOAC and other medical interventions
TIA - a reminder about the TIA clinic and referral pathway
A Gastroenterology education evening
19 May 2016
Gastroenterologists at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust, Dr Sanjay Gupta, Dr Mike Mendall, Dr Zenu Philipose, Dr Panol Stamoulos and Dr Parth Paskaran spoke about a range of GI topics during the evening; from IBS to liver disease, and the referral pathways in Croydon.
One Croydon (Outcome Based Commissioning): A new way of providing services for people aged over 65 in Croydon
21 April 2016
We have formed an exciting new alliance in Croydon to transform the provision of services, and deliver more seamless care for older people in the borough. Croydon CCG and Croydon Council have identified the care of people aged over 65 as a priority for introducing Outcome Based Commissioning (OBC). Our GP Education Evening at Croydon University Hospital is an opportunity for practices to develop a better understanding of OBC, joint working across the Alliance and the emerging model of care. It is also an opportunity to influence it. Come along to find out more and to ask your questions.
Speakers include: Alyson McGregor, Director, Altogether Better and Dr John Chan/ Dr Ashish Dwivedi, Croydon GP Collaborative.
Haematology Education Evening
10 March 2016
Haematological cases and discussion, led by Dr Betty Cheung, Trust Consultant Haematologist
Management of the Noval Oral Anticoagulants in Primary Care, Led by Dr Carol Buttriss, Trust Clinical Lead for Anticoagulation
New Iron Deficiency Anaemia Service, Led by Jackie Green, Trust Haematology Nurse Consultant &Dr Betty Cheung
The ethics of patient decision making
21 January 2016
During this evening we will examine the various issues underlying why patients make the decisions they do, with reference to professional, legal and moral aspects. Presentations include: Mental Capacity, Resuscitation/DNAR and everyday decisions will be wrapped around case discussions led by the three presenters.
Led by Dr Joanne Bramble - Consultant in Elderly Care, CUH
Dr John Spicer - GP, Croydon and HEE
Dr Debra Swann - Consultant Palliative Care, CUH and St Christopher’s Hospice