Mortuary services
The mortuary managed by Croydon University Hospital NHS Trust.
The mortuary has an HTA license and provides secure storage for all hospital deaths and a post-mortem service. It deals with consented hospital post-mortems
The mortuary works closely alongside the Bereavement Office, which manages issuing Medical Certificate of Cause Death and facilitates the completion of cremation paperwork. The bereavement staff also work closely with the families, returning property and valuables, and liaising with the mortuary to arrange viewings where requested of the deceased. It is located externally next to the ED Department, via Mayday Road entrance.
During the ED rebuild project the only access to Mortuary is via Crossland Road - located off London Road opposite Boots opticians
Parking for a short period is available.
Main mortuary
Normal opening hours
9am - 11.30am and 1pm - 3.30pm Mondays — Friday (excluding bank holidays).
Viewings within these times are by appointment only, so please contact the Mortuary staff on 0208 401 3000 ext 4712 to arrange an appointment time. Mortuary opening hours can also vary due to certain circumstances so please call in advance where possible.
It’s important to remember that relatives cannot arrive for a viewing without an appointment, so to avoid disappointment please ensure you have one booked before arriving.
Out of hours
Unfortunately, outside normal opening hours the Mortuary is closed
Please contact Ward Staff who will instruct you of the out of hour’s procedures.
Key contacts
Bereavement Office
Open 8.30am-4pm Monday-Friday
Located by Woodcroft Wing Entrance, Ground Floor Yellow Zone
020 8401 3000 ex 3144 or 3143
Coroner’s Office
2nd Floor Davis House
website :
email :
Croydon Public Mortuary
Thornton Rd, Thornton Heath, Surrey CR7 6BB
020 8684 9135
Monday – Friday 9am–1pm and 2pm–4pm