3. Defining our patient safety incident profile
3.1. The Patient Safety team undertook a review of various pieces of patient safety data/information from various parts of the organisation including the following:
- Themes from all incidents including serious incidents that occurred in the last 3 years (2020-2023)
- Themes from complaints
- Themes from patient feedback including National Patient Surveys and local survey
- Themes from concerns raised with the Freedom to Speak Up Guardian ( 2020-2023)
- Themes from learning from deaths – mortality reviews (2020-2023)
- Themes from Safeguarding concerns
- Themes from legal/inquest cases
3.2. In defining the Trust’s patient safety risk profile, the Patient Safety Team collaborated with the following stakeholders
- The Patient Experience team
- The Legal team
- The Safeguarding team
- The Chaplaincy Team who also lead on “ Freedom to Speak Up”
- The Medical Directorate
- The Nursing & Allied Health professional Teams/Directorates
- Quality Assurance Team
- Quality Improvement Team
- Directorates including corporate Directorates
- The Integrated Care Board (ICB)