Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act came into effect in January 2000 and gives a general right of access to all types of recorded information held by public authorities. 

Individuals already had the right of access to information about themselves under the Data Protection Act 1998. The FOI Act extended the right to allow access to all types of recorded information held by the Trust.
Under the FOI Act it is our duty to adopt a Publication Scheme setting out the classes of information we hold and how and when we publish that information. 
Alternatively a hard copy is available by contacting:
FoI Requests

Trust HQ,Yellow Zone

Woodcroft Wing

Croydon Health Services

530 London Road

Croydon, CR0 7YE

Publication scheme

The publication scheme is intended to give access to routinely published information held by the Trust.

Much of this information is already available on this website, in particular on our Corporate Publications page, which includes information such as our Contracts Register .
If the information you require is not already available on this site, you can make a specific request in writing (e-mail is acceptable) giving your contact information (including name and postal address) and clear details of the information you require.
Please send all requests to the address or e-mail above.

Charges and reponse times

Requests should contain sufficient information to allow us to identify and locate the information you require.  There will be no charge for this service provided the cost to the Trust for supplying the information does not exceed £450. The Trust will not normally provide information where the cost of supplying it would exceed £450.
The Trust aims to respond to every request within within 20 working days. However this process may take longer if:

We have asked for clarification from you to help locate or retrieve the information being requested

We are considering whether or not it is in the public interest to withhold information which is subject to an exemption.

The Trust keeps a log of all FoI requests and produces a summary every year of requests received.


Some information held by the Trust is exempt. For example, all personal data (e.g. health records, personnel files) remain protected by the Data Protection Act 1998 and are exempt from disclosure under the FOI Act.
Should your request for information be refused we will inform you by letter of the reason and clarify the specific exemption in the FOI Act that applies.
Examples include:

  • Where the cost exceeds the prescribed amount
  • In the case of vexatious or repeated requests. The definition of “vexatious” is "lacking a sufficient ground and serving only to annoy or harass when viewed objectively"
  • Where information already available in our Publication Scheme
  • If the disclosure might result in a breach of confidence
  • If the information requested is “personal information” and falls within the scope of Data Protection legislation
  • Should you not agree with the decision you have a right to complain and request a review. You should forward your complaint to:

The Chief Executive

Trust HQ,Yellow Zone

Woodcroft Wing

Croydon Health Services

530 London Road

Croydon, CR0 7YE

If you are still unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can contact:
Information Commissioner’s Office
Wycliffe House
Water Lane
Cheshire  SK9 5AF
Tel: 01625  545 700

Visit our medical records page if you seek copies of patient medical records or other personal data.