Trust expenditure over £25,000
The Trust’s income is mainly for payment for clinical services from commissioners and a small amount is for non-patient care services such as training and education.
Most of our income is spent on staff and salaries are determined by the NHS Agenda for Change programme. The rest of the income is spent on supplies and services in relation to direct patient care, transport, premises and the repayment of dividends to the Department of Health.
A report is produced every month for the Board which details progress towards meeting our financial and clinical standards.
The Trust Annual Reports include a Financial Review, Summary Financial Statements (which provide a summary of the accounts for the relevant financial year, and also reflect the fully audited position) and salary and pension entitlements of senior managers.
Further details of staff and board members’ allowances and expenses may be obtained by emailing
The Prime Minister wrote to Secretaries of State on 31 May 2010, inviting them to support the drive to improve the transparency of how public funds are used.
As a result, there is now a requirement for all Central Government and NHS bodies to publish online details of expenditure over £25,000. Where removing recoverable VAT reduces the value of the transaction to below £25,000, the transaction should still be disclosed.
A list of monthly expenses over £25,000 listed by year is on the right hand side
The information is also published on the Data.Gov website here