Exec team go 'back to the floor' | Trust news

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Exec team go 'back to the floor'

We recognise how difficult the past few years have been on our staff, and also how many examples of innovative practice, incredible teamwork and professionalism exist across our services.

We want to do more to increase our support for staff and, as part of this, our executive team have been going back to the floor. This is an initiative we started to bridge the gap between those in directorate roles and those on the front-line. It is a chance for them to see first-hand what our staff are dealing with, and to listen to their experiences and ideas for improvement.

Our senior leaders have been side-by-side with our staff throughout the pandemic, but often this can go under the radar so the Trust wants to do much more toMike Sexton in Pharmacy increase awareness and recognition for its teams who may not always be in the spotlight.

Already, our Chief Financial Officer Mike Sexton helped to prepare medication and learn more about the day to day operations of the Pharmacy Team, while Chief Nurse Elaine Clancy went on duty in the Emergency Department as she was invited to work a night shift to learn from the staff and be elaine putting a plaster of paris on patientthere with them to understand what they are experiencing on a daily basis to care for our community.


Watch this space for more about our recent visits to showcase the work of our teams and what we are doing to better the experiences of staff and our care for patients.


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