Croydon’s NHS launches new five-year strategy to transform care for local people | Trust news

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Croydon’s NHS launches new five-year strategy to transform care for local people

Croydon’s NHS has today (19 July 2023) launched an ambitious strategy to transform services and join-up care in one of London’s largest boroughs.

For the first time, the strategy sets out our vision for ‘clinically-led and community focused services’ across the NHS in Croydon to improve the health, wellbeing and quality of life of local residents over the next five years.

The strategy, which has been developed with the input of over 400 patients, health and care staff and caregivers, sets out a plan for how Croydon’s NHS can work even better together with social care and voluntary sector partners to care for people in hospital and at home, or in community based clinics throughout the borough.

Building on the NHS workforce plan, launched earlier this month, we also have some ambitious plans to recruit and retain talented NHS staff and create a health service fit for the present and the future.

Chief Executive at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust and the borough’s Place-Based Leader for Health, Matthew Kershaw, said:

“As demand for NHS services continues to increase, we need to work in new and innovative ways, with one plan across hospital, community, primary care and mental health services in the borough

“We already work as part of a strong health and care partnership with the local authority and the voluntary sector in Croydon, and across South West London and the launch of this strategy demonstrates the fantastic opportunities for the different parts of the NHS and care sector to work together to improve care for everyone in the borough.

“Our priorities include delivering care closer to home than ever before, reducing health inequalities in areas of most need, increasing access to emergency care, and boosting the number of diagnostic tests and procedures we can deliver for local people to support early interventions, playing our part in tackling COVID-19 backlogs across the Capital.

“Building on the NHS workforce plan, launched earlier this month, we also have some ambitious plans to recruit and retain talented NHS staff and create a health service fit for the present and the future.”

The long-term vision will be supported by a clinical strategy, which focuses on six key areas where Croydon’s NHS can – and should - make the biggest difference over the next five years. These are: out of hospital care, planned care, urgent and emergency care, maternity, mental health, and children and young people. Priority will also be given to prevention and proactive care to help keep people well and reduce health inequalities in one of London’s largest and most deprived boroughs.

Dr Mike Simmonds, local GP and Croydon’s primary care lead said:

“We know that a huge part of supporting the health and wellbeing of local people happens outside of the traditional walls of an acute hospital or GP practice. This strategy highlights six key areas where we can make the biggest difference to improve services, placing significant focus on prevention and proactive care in the heart of local communities.

“Coupled with the existing Health and Care plan we developed in conjunction with residents in 2019, we are confident that this strategy will help us to make a real difference to the lives of people living in Croydon.”

This first-ever ‘place-based’ strategy continues our strong track-record for closer integration and collaborative working in Croydon, and has informed the wider ICS Joint Forward View, which looks across health and care services in South West London.

Coupled with the existing Health and Care plan we developed in conjunction with partners and residents in 2019, we are confident that this strategy will help us to make a real difference to the lives of people living in Croydon.

Our full five-year strategy and summary can found here.

Croydon's NHS five year strategy


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