Unveiling our stunning organ donation mural | Trust news

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Unveiling our stunning organ donation mural

On Tuesday (23 April 2024), a unique organ donation mural was unveiled in our recently opened Intensive Care Unit. The design, which was specially created for the facility, allows illustrated flowers to be attached to celebrate the invaluable contribution of local organ and tissue donors, whilst also paying homage to the vibrant Afro-Caribbean community in Croydon.

Among the guests were Kayleigh, Zane, and Tia, who proudly attached the first red rose to the artwork. They attended as family members of Gregory, a beloved father and husband, who sadly passed away in the unit and had made decision to donate his organs before he died.   

Gita Menon, Clinical Lead for Organ Donation at the Trust said:

When we planned a mural for ITU to promote organ donation, we wanted it to symbolise immortality and we therefore chose the tree of life as the symbol. The decision of organ donation by families in their time of grief also means their loved one lives on in the recipient. Each red or yellow rose added to the mural depicts a donation. One day we will have blooming wall filled with vibrant roses.

Harry van de Bospoort, designer of the mural from Hospital Art Studio said:

The wonderful thing about this mural, is the artwork evolves over time. The roses will transition from gentle hues into vibrant shades of red and yellow. This blend of vibrant roses against the lush green leaves serves as a heartfelt representation of the diverse cultural heritage of Croydon.

A special thank you goes to Dr Jacyntha Khera, Senior ITU Anaesthetic Trainee and Hospital Art Studio for their time and support and expertise in the development of the mural. 

Below is a video of Gregory's family placing a rose on the mural. 

Images of the mural:

 Gift of life mural

Full mural image

Gift of life sign

Gift of life message

Donor story board in memory of Gregory

Tia (left) and Zane (right)

Harry van de Bospoort, the artist and Dr Jacyntha Khera smiling in front of the mural 

Harry van de Bospoort (left) and  Dr Jacyntha Khera (right)



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