Stoptober | Trust news

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Stoptober is an annual campaign held every October, encouraging smokers to quit for 28 days. Research shows that if you can quit for 28 days, you are five times more likely to stop smoking for good. Since its launch in 2012, Stoptober has helped over 2.5 million people in their quit attempts, and this year, we aim to help even more people across Croydon and England take that step towards a healthier future.

While smoking rates have declined, over 5 million people in England still smoke, and smoking remains the leading cause of preventable illness and death. It costs the NHS around £1.9 billion a year to treat smoking-related conditions, with the total societal cost around £21.8 billion annually. 

Here in Croydon, we’re committed to helping residents quit smoking through our Smoking Cessation Services. One of the ways we do this is by ensuring that all new staff receive intervention training during their Corporate Induction. This equips them to start a conversation about smoking with patients from the first point of contact. We also offer additional training to midwives, nurses, junior doctors, and other staff, making sure they’re fully prepared to raise the issue of smoking with patients.

Our Smoking Cessation Services are now delivered by the Just Live Well Team, ensuring everyone can access the support they need. Whether it’s one-to-one sessions or group support, we have options for those looking to stop smoking. The contact details for our service can be found below.

Throughout October, our Smoking Cessation Team will be at the Oasis Restaurant in Croydon University Hospital, every Tuesday and Thursday from 11am to 2pm. Stop by to get the support and resources you need to quit smoking and embrace a healthier life

Stoptober is a fantastic opportunity to make a positive change. With so much support available, there’s never been a better time to quit smoking and start your journey towards a healthier, smoke-free life.


Support to stop smoking in Croydon:

Croydon Health Services NHS Trust 

Croydon Smoking Cessation Services-Just Live Wells (CSCS-JLW)


Telephone: 02084013000-EXT: 5287,5906


Cerner info for clinicians: please refer In-patient via Cerner Referral>Request /Care plans>Add>Smoking Cessation Referr


Croydon Council Community Cessation Service



Freephone:0800 019 8570





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