Register now to join our Annual General Meeting 2023-24 | Trust news

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Register now to join our Annual General Meeting 2023-24

We are pleased to invite you to attend our Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Wednesday 25 September from 5:00pm – 7:30pm.

During the event, we will be looking back at our progress and achievements in 2023-24, as well as highlighting our plans for the year ahead.

Doors will open from 5pm for refreshments and a meet and greet for patients, staff and members of the local community to attend. The AGM will begin at 5:30pm.

As well as presentations from Board members, you will have the opportunity to hear from a number of guest speakers and take part in a Q&A session, where we can answer your questions.

This year, attendees are welcome to join us in person or online.

Joining in person

Our AGM will be held at:

Post Graduate Medical Centre (PGMC)
First Floor, Woodcroft Wing, Yellow Zone
Croydon University Hospital
530 London Road

You may wish to enter the hospital via the Woodcroft Road entrance, which is closest to the PGMC. A map of the site can be found on our website here.

Parking on site at Croydon University Hospital is limited and where possible, we would recommend travelling via public transport.

Joining online

If you’d like to join us online, you will still need to register below. A link will be sent to you one week before the event.

If you have any questions at all, please email



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