Planning your journey to hospital during this week's transport strikes | Trust news

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Planning your journey to hospital during this week's transport strikes

Image of a red, double decker London 109 bus

Transport strikes are expected to affect travel in Croydon and surrounding areas from 3 January 2023.

It is important that all patients and visitors plan their journeys to hospital accordingly.


Unless you are contacted by the hospital, please still come for your booked appointments and consider travelling earlier to ensure you arrive on time.

If you instead wish to reschedule an appointment, please contact your clinic as quickly as possible.


Many local bus services are unaffected by the strikes. Please visit and plan your journey. Bus routes that will be running include 60, 64, 198, 250 and the 289. 

Roads are expected to be more congested so you may wish to leave earlier than normal.


Many rail routes will be affected, with some offering a limited service. Please plan ahead and check rail timetables

Driving and parking

It is likely the roads will be busier than normal so please travel early if possible,

Our parking facilities at Croydon University Hospital will be open. While we anticipate high demand for parking spaces, we are making every effort to keep spaces open for those who need them.

More parking is available at the nearby Centrale and Whitgift Shopping Centres in Croydon Town Centre, which are served by bus routes including 60, 64, 198, 250 and 289 - all of which are unaffected by the strikes. For their parking rates see here .

Limited free parking is also available in the streets surrounding the hospital and other NHS sites in Croydon. To find your closest place to park, visit Parkopedia .

Choosing the right care for you

Most non-urgent conditions are best treated outside of hospitals, for example by your local GP or pharmacy. For more see here .

A call to the NHS 111 phone line can also provide medical advice and signpost you to the right local services. 

Of course, for all urgent emergency care, it's vital to phone 999 as quickly as possible.


Thank you for planning your journey and helping us to see patients at the right time.


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