Tell us your thoughts on the main entrance at Croydon University Hospital | Trust news

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Tell us your thoughts on the main entrance at Croydon University Hospital

Main entrance sign that reads 'Croydon University Hospital'

There are currently plans to improve the main entrance area of Croydon University Hospital and we want to hear from you on what you think we can do better.

The survey is a chance for you to provide your feedback on anything to do with the main entrance. This could be telling us you want more food and drink choices, better toilet facilities - or more parking payment options!

The survey has been extended and now closes this Thursday on 28 March and is only four questions long. It's quick and easy to complete and with the deadline soon approaching make sure you have your say, today.

Complete the survey

To complete the survey, select the relevant link below:

Download the poster here [pdf] 830KB].

There are also volunteers at the main entrance with the survey and QR codes placed around the hospital - so do keep an eye out.


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