ITU rebuild gets closer to completion | Trust news

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ITU rebuild gets closer to completion

We continue to transform the Intensive Treatment Unit (ITU) . The rebuild was already in the planning phase during the height of the Covid-19 Pandemic.

We are delighted to be able to reveal more, as we get closer to completion of the ITU restorations. The benefits for our patients are life-changing and will vastly improve the environment for them and their families. The new unit will help support our staff to deliver high quality care to those people within the Croydon community and surrounding boroughs who are critically ill and require dedicated care from our specialist team.

The transformation is now taking shape and the construction work is being done at pace, earmarked for an autumn opening.

The new ITU building will double the space within the unit, allowing patients and their families increased privacy during their care.  

It is an exciting time for our ITU clinicians, who recently had their first site recce, to see developments so far. Whilst there, they had the opportunity to feedback and visualise the final outcome. Visiting the sample room gave them insight into the look and feel of the new and improved ITU development.

This major programme spanning over 18-Months in the construction phase, has received significant investment and will provide:

  • State-of-the-art facilities and more personal space around the bedside, increasing privacy and dignity for patients receiving life dependent care
  • More private rooms and fewer beds within each bed bay
  • An enhanced waiting area and access to a quiet room, to support patient families, at some of the most difficult times in their lives

Annabel Dallen, Associate Director for Improvement, who is leading the programme said:

“It’s really exciting to see all of the planning being put into action when visiting the construction of the new ITU. The new Unit will provide a drastically improved environment for patients, relatives and staff.”

“Having significantly more space around each bed will enable confidential communication with loved ones, as well as increasing privacy and dignity for our patients when they are at their most vulnerable.”

The new ITU is set to open later this year - stay tuned for updates on its development.

Watch our Sneak Preview Virtual Tour or have a listen to our audio descriptor of the new build. 

Image of ITU Video on You Tube


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