State of the art Intensive Treatment Unit opens to care for Croydon’s sickest patients | Trust news

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State of the art Intensive Treatment Unit opens to care for Croydon’s sickest patients

The first patients are now being treated at the £15m state-of-the-art intensive treatment unit (ITU) that provides 22 new beds for the borough’s most critically ill individuals.

The brand new facility, which opened yesterday at Croydon University Hospital, doubles the space within the unit, allowing patients and their families increased privacy during their care.

As well as transforming the delivery of care for Croydon sickest patients, the new unit will be a comforting haven for relatives and provide an improved working environment for the specialist team delivering dedicated care for the sickest individuals in the borough.

Doctors, nurses, former patients and their relatives played a key role in the design of the new ITU which also provides more private rooms, fewer beds within each bed bay and an enhanced waiting area and access to a quiet room, to support patient families, at some of the most difficult times in their lives.

The unit was built over 18 months, in partnership with construction giants Kier and with support from a number of teams across the organisation, including Estates and IT. It is home to the latest cutting-edge technology and equipment required to provide a modern, patient focused environment, with high-tech facilities and more personal space around bedsides, increasing privacy and dignity for patients receiving life dependent care.

Matthew Kershaw, Chief Executive at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust said of the unit:

“This is a really proud moment for our Trust and a huge achievement for the team who have turned their years-long vision of a brand new ITU into a reality.

“So many hard working colleagues, both frontline and behind the scenes, have been involved in the design and development of the brand new unit and it’s thanks to our doctors, nurses, patients and relatives, and our contractors Kier, that we have been able to bring the new facility to life.

“By working together, we have been able to create an even better environment for our most critically ill and injured patients and their visitors, as well as a better area for our staff to work.”

Tim Kuhn, Head of Nursing for the new unit, said:

“The new Intensive Care Unit will provide a drastically improved facility for patients, relatives and staff.

“We are delighted to move into the new space, which brings us a modern, spacious and patient centred environment which will support our staff and the fantastic care they provide to the individuals that need it the most.”


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