Croydon's Director of Public Health visits Croydon Cares | Trust news

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Croydon's Director of Public Health visits Croydon Cares


On Friday (8 March 2024) Rachel Flowers (Director of Public Health in Croydon) attended our weekly Croydon Cares meeting for our nursing staff to highlight the health inequalities that the LGBTQ+ community face which are outlined in her most recent annual report. 

During the meeting CliniQ, the UK’s only provider of sexual health clinics specifically for the Trans community, went on to deliver training on how best to care for Trans Patients, with valuable insights from individuals with lived experiences who are actively involved in sexual health clinics at Kings Hospital.

A call to action has now been extended to Senior Nurses within CHS to ensure their teams are not trans aware and continue to deliver safe, supportive and compassionate care. To help empower staff to do this, we have also encourage teams to participate in one of the several Trans Awareness training sessions which have been scheduled throughout the year.

The Trust is making proactive contributions to help foster a more inclusive healthcare environment within our teams here in Croydon and together we can make meaningful strides in addressing health inequalities. 

You can read Rachel Flower's full report here or watch the video here.


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