Croydon Stars deadline extended to this Friday: Nominate your stars today! | Trust news

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Croydon Stars deadline extended to this Friday: Nominate your stars today!

Ahead of the Croydon Stars deadline this Friday 28 June, we wanted to provide you with our top tips to ensure you have written an award-winning nomination. 

It's important to note that our Croydon Stars nominations are judged on quality, not quantity. This means a person who receives three nominations isn’t judged more favourably than someone who receives one. It’s better to make one really good nomination than nominate the same person multiple times.

Here are some top tips on how to write an entry worthy of making the judge’s shortlist:


  • Make sure you say what the nominee did that are above and beyond, giving specific examples.
  • Remember the judges may not have any background information, so provide as much detail as possible.
  • Share what the nominee’s efforts accomplished. How did they help you?
  • Appeal to the judging panel’s hearts – use emotive language to describe the difference the person made, the value of what they did and how it made you or others feel.
  • Submit as many nominations as you’d like. We have so many exceptional colleagues and teams, doing great work. We want to celebrate them all!


  • Just write a couple of sentences - we ask for a minimum of 150 words to give the judges a good amount of information when they are at the shortlisting stage.
  • Miss the deadline! (5pm on Friday 28 June 2024).

You can submit your nomination on our Croydon Stars page . Get to know our previous winner, Latoya, as she shares her award-winning moments with us.

Good luck to your nominees!


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