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Croydon Health Services NHS Trust crowned its best and brightest NHS stars last night (Wednesday 9 November) in a ceremony, which celebrated the thousands of healthcare workers caring for patients across the borough.

Winners took home trophies for awards including ‘Rising Star’, ‘Leading by Example’ and ‘Croydon Cares’ as well as ‘Star of the Year,’ in which nominations came from grateful patients and their families.

The awards – held for the first time since the COVID-19 pandemic – also gave NHS staff the opportunity to reflect on the past two years and recognised the heroic actions of those working on the frontline during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Stella Okorie, a nurse working at Croydon University Hospital was among those who received a special COVID-19 commendation, thanking her for her efforts inStella Okorie with award caring for the borough’s first ever patient with coronavirus.

Speaking on the night, Stella expressed her pride in the work her and her team delivered throughout the pandemic:

“I normally care for patients on our hospitals’ haematology ward, but during the COVID-19 pandemic we were transformed to look after COVID-19 patients. My whole team came through the pandemic, even though we were worried at the time and I’m so happy to have received this award in recognition of my work and the work of my team.”

Also celebrated was Dr Reza Motazed, Clinical Director and one of the organisation’s most senior doctors, who was praised for his clinical leadership and unfaltering commitment to supporting those teams most affected by the pandemic.Reza with award

Receiving his award to a standing ovation, he said:

“I’m very honoured to receive this award. I’d like to dedicate my award to every healthcare worker at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust – without them, none of our achievements would be possible.”

Matthew Kershaw, Chief Executive and Place-Based Leader for Health in Croydon added:

“The Croydon Stars awards are a fantastic representation of everything that makes me proud to lead the borough’s NHS. As well as recognising those who deliver compassionate care all year round, we were able to celebrate those unsung heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes to keep our health service running.

“The strength of our finalists’ stories and the sheer volume of nominations from patients, local people and other NHS colleagues is a testament to the efforts of the thousands of NHS workers who are helping to deliver on our mission to provide excellent care to all.”

Awards presented on the evening were supported by organisations including HATS Group, Ryalto, VerseOne and volunteer recognition charity, Room to Reward, each of whom paid tribute to the work of Croydon’s NHS heroes.

A full list of the evening’s winners can be found  here .


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