Croydon Long-Term Conditions Community Outreach | Trust news

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Croydon Long-Term Conditions Community Outreach

A joint effort has been initiated to increase the health of those with Long-Term Conditions (LTCs) in Croydon. Our NHS Trust has teamed up with the Croydon BME Forum and the Asian Resource Centre to deliver health screening and awareness services.

Research shows that 23% of Croydon residents live with two or more LTCs. When left untreated these conditions can lead to complications, highlighting the importance of providing this support.

The partnership launched in 2020 to deliver two holistic support programmes: The Expert Patient Programme and The Community Outreach Programme, with hopes to raise awareness of LTCs with people who do not regularly access GPs or local NHS services.

Programme Co-ordinator Lizzie Hewitt spoke on the programme, she said...

The Expert Patients Programme is a free 6-week course for Croydon residents living with a long-term health condition including Hypertension, Diabetes, COPD, Asthma, Cancer or Long Covid.

Our sessions (currently virtual) are delivered by tutors with lived experience of a LTC who provide both practical and empathetic advice to participants. We’ve found that this dynamic allows participants to identify with their tutors through shared experiences, which creates a comfortable space free of judgement.

Our health screening service helps to identify risk of conditions such as Diabetes, Hypertension and mild heart abnormalities. Since our launch we’ve delivered nearly 350 health checks to Croydon residents where we’re able to screen for these conditions and sign post residents for further investigation when needed.

Register for a free Health Check with the BME Forum or ARCC

Register for the free Experts Patients Programme with the BME Forum or ARCC

For more information, email:


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