Caring for you this winter | Trust news

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Caring for you this winter

Caring for you this winter

NHS services can be very busy in the winter, but we are here to care for you. You can help by choosing the services available to get you the best care in the shortest time possible.

If you need medical care but it's not an emergency

Your pharmacy

Your local pharmacy is a first port-of-call for minor health concerns.

Your local pharmacy is a first port-of-call for minor health concerns. Pharmacists are experts in medicines and can help with lots of illnesses, from skin rashes to earaches and flu. Many pharmacies open late and offer private consultations, no appointment needed.

Your GP

You can also call your GP practice or visit their website to make an appointment for an illness or injury that won’t go away, or access your GP’s out of hours service.

GP hubs (bookable appointments 8am-8pm, every day)

There are three ‘GP Hubs’ in Croydon which treat both minor injuries and minor illnesses requiring same day care – for both children and adults.

They are located in Central Croydon, Purley and Parkway (New Addington). To book an appointment, people should call NHS 111 first to discuss their symptoms. You will be offered a telephone consultation with a GP or practice nurse who can also book you to attend for a face to face appointment where appropriate.

NHS 111 (24/7)

Go to online or call NHS 111 FREE for urgent medical advice.  

If NHS 111 advise that you attend the Emergency Department, ask them if they can book you an appointment.

When to go to A&E or call 999

Please only visit the Emergency Department (A&E) or call 999 if it is a medical or mental health emergency, when someone is seriously ill or injured and their life is at risk.

For more information on when to call 999 and when to go to A&E, you can visit the NHS UK website.

More care available for you in Croydon

For more information on all of the care available in Croydon, including 24/7 mental health support, please see our 'know where to go' leaflet or scan this code. 

Click or scan this QR code to get health advice from NHS 111

Planned care appointments

If you have a booked appointment with our hospital or community services, it’s important that attend your appointment as planned.  We will contact you directly if your appointment needs to be rearranged.

With industrial action expected to affect National Rail and transport services in December 2022 and January 2023, it’s important to plan your journey.

See National Rail or Transport for London for the latest travel advice.

Need repeat prescriptions?

It’s important to check your prescription and order what you need and in plenty of time.

Remember, you can order repeat prescriptions on the NHS app or at your local GP practice.


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