Ashani's journey: A story of courage and hope | Trust news

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Ashani's journey: A story of courage and hope

In a heartwarming ceremony at the Rainbow Unit, surrounded by loved ones and our amazing staff who cared for her, Ashani, a young cancer survivor, marked a significant milestone in her journey.

In 2022, at age 5 and diagnosed with Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia, Ashani christened our Children's Unit as the "Rainbow Unit" - a symbol of hope and resilience for all who pass through its doors. On Thursday 9th May, Ashani bravely rang the bell, symbolising the end of her treatment. 

Ashani's Mother, overwhelmed with emotion, delivered a heartfelt speech, expressing profound gratitude to the exceptional staff whose unwavering care and support had been instrumental in Ashani's recovery. "We feel very lucky to know that we have gained an extra family in all of you here at Croydon," 

 As the celebration unfolded, Ashani's family and our staff shared in the joyous moment, indulging in cupcakes and exchanging gifts.

In the face of adversity, Ashani's resilience continues to inspire us all. Her journey serves as a beacon of hope, reminding us of the remarkable strength that lies within each individual. As we extend our deepest gratitude to our extraordinary staff for their tireless dedication, we also celebrate Ashani - a shining example of courage and perseverance.

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