Refer yourself to Croydon's maternity services

Mum and BabyCongratulations on your pregnancy! Having a baby is an exciting, life-changing event, and it can often come with lots of questions.

Our teams of midwives and health visitors, based both in our hospital and out in our communities, dedicate their time to ensuring you and your child receive the best treatment before, during and after birth.

To help you get the healthiest start for you and your baby, it is important to arrange your first antenatal booking appointment by the 10th week of your pregnancy.

If you’d like to join our family and be cared for by our award winning midwives throughout your pregnancy, there are a number of ways to book your appointments. The quickest and easiest way to book with us is to refer yourself to the hospital by completing our CHS Maternity - Antenatal self referral form below:

Antenatal self referral form

Booking Form

Note: Questions marked by * are mandatory

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To book, you’ll need the following information to hand:

  • Your personal details i.e. name, address, date of birthMother and baby 
  • Your GP’s name and address, if you have one
  • Details of any additional support you need i.e. wheelchair access or a hearing loop
  • The date on the first day of your last period
  • The type of birth you might like to have (you can change this at a later date if you wish)
  • Details of any previous pregnancies and births
  • Some basic health information i.e. your weight, height, any previous medical conditions

For extra help completing your referral, you can also call the Antenatal Booking Centre on 020 8401 3000 ext 4202 or by going to your GP who can refer you. Should you be unable to complete your self referral by 10 weeks, please send it through as soon as possible and we will aim to ensure that your first booking appointment is within two weeks of receipt of the referral. 

In the meantime, if you aren't already taking folic acid, please start as soon as possible to help your developing baby.