Trust news

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Croydon Stars deadline extended to this Friday: Nominate your stars today!

Now is your final chance to nominate an individual or team ahead of the Croydon Stars deadline this Friday 28 June. Read our top tips to ensure you have written an award-winning nomination!...

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Junior doctor strike action between 27 June and 2 July

Further rounds of industrial action are taking place across the NHS this week and they are expected to cause disruption to patient appointments. This week’s strike will be starting at 7 am on Sa...

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Looking back on last week's International Nurses and Midwives Day celebrations

Last week the atmosphere at CUH was buzzing with energy and appreciation as we celebrated Interntional Nurses Day and International Day of the Midwife alongside our dedicated staff....

Ashani's journey: A story of courage and hope

In a heartwarming ceremony at the Rainbow Unit, surrounded by loved ones and our amazing staff who cared for her, Ashani, a young cancer survivor, marked a significant milestone in her journey. In ...

Our current CQC rating

Graphic showing CQC rating



The Care Quality Commission (CQC) in February 2018 rated three of out of four core services at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust as ‘Good’ following a routine inspection.

The unannounced inspection carried out during October and November 2017 focused on surgery, critical care, end of life care and outpatients at both Croydon University Hospital and Purley War Memorial Hospital. 

The inspectors found there had been improvements in surgery, end of life care and outpatients, raising the rating from ‘Requires Improvement’ to ‘Good’ in all three services. The CQC rated critical care as “Requires Improvement.”

Overall the Trust was rated as ‘Requires Improvement’ – the same as its last inspection in June 2015.