A-Z of Services
- Service Manager Lead: Richard Billington
- Service Contact: ch-tr.radiology@nhs.net
- Address: Croydon Address: Croydon University Hospital 530 London Road, Croydon, CR7 7YE | Purley Address: Purley War Memorial Hospital, 856 Brighton Road, Purley, CR8 2YL 020 8401 3240,
- Reception phone number: 020 8401 3494
- About us
- How to refer
- Meet our teams
- Computed Tomography (CT)
- Bone density scan service (DEXA)
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unit
- General Ultrasound
- X-Ray
- Downtime procedures
About us
The Radiology Service operates at two sites Croydon University Hospital and Purley War Memorial Hospital undertaking a variety of routine and specialised procedures.
The Radiology service uses state of the art technology to provide the following:
Plain X-rays (including Dental X-rays)
X-ray (plain radiography) is a diagnostic test using x-radiation and computer technology to produce a two dimensional picture of the inside of the body. It is often used as a first line imaging test to look for evidence of injury or disease.
Non-Obstetric Ultrasound Scan
Ultrasound uses high frequency sound waves, which are emitted by an ultrasound probe and travel harmlessly through the body. The sound bounces off various layers of tissue producing images.
CT Scan (Computed Tomography)
A CT scan is another x-ray technique, where a machine – in the shape of a large doughnut - takes a series of pictures of the body, allowing review of the images in two or three dimensional form. A contrast injection is commonly used for CT scans.
What happens now that my GP has asked me to have an X-ray or Scan?
Your GP will send a request form electronically to the hospital
You could either choose to go to Croydon University Hospital or Purley War Memorial Hospital
Croydon University Hospital – Tel: 020 8401 3494
Opening hours - Mon – Fri 8am – 7.15 pm, Sat & Sun 9am – 12.15pm
Purley War Memorial Hospital – Tel: 020 8401 3240
Opening hours – Mon – Fri 9am – 12pm, 2pm - 4.30pm.
Email: ch-tr.radiology@nhs.net
If you fail to contact us within 6 weeks of referral, your request will be cancelled and you will be referred back to your GP.
Ultrasound scan
Your GP will send a request form electronically to the hospital.
The appointments team will contact you by telephone where possible or send you an appointment letter in the post. This could be up to 4 weeks after you have seen your GP.
Please call or email us after 4 weeks if you have not received an appointment or if you have moved house.
Tel: 020 8401 3035
Email: ch-tr.radiology@nhs.net
Bone Density or Dexa Scan
Your GP will send a request form electronically to the hospital. The appointments team will contact you by telephone where possible or send you an appointment letter in the post. This could be up to 4 weeks after you have seen your GP.
Please call or email us after 4 weeks if you have not received an appointment or if you have moved house
Tel: 020 8401 3000 Ext 4006
Email: ch-tr.radiology@nhs.net
Specialised X-ray procedures e.g Barium Swallow
Your GP will now send a request form electronically to the hospital.
The appointments team will contact you by telephone where possible send you an appointment letter in the post. This could be up to 4 weeks after you have seen your GP. Please call or email us after 4 weeks if you have not received an appointment or if you have moved house
Tel: 020 8401 3917
Email: ch-tr.radiology@nhs.net
Contact Us
General Telephone no: 020 8401 3494
020 8401 3494
020 8401 3035
020 8401 3049
020 8401 3696
Bone Density or DEXA Scan
020 8401 3000 x 4006
How to refer
A comprehensive range of Diagnostic Imaging services are provided at Croydon University Hospital and at Purley War Memorial Hospital.
The link for iRefer Guidelines is here.
Service review
The Radiology services within Croydon Health Services aim to provide a high quality and responsive service for patients who are referred for imaging procedures from GP practices. Referrals are made using the GP electronic referral system Sunquest Ice
Using state of the art imaging equipment and skilled, experienced staff the department prides itself on offering short waiting times for appointments and a caring, safe environment.
Plain film Radiography is provided as a walk in service at Croydon University Hospital and at Purley War Memorial Hospital with an extended service provided during evenings and weekends at Croydon University Hospital.
Non obstetric ultrasound scanning is by appointment only and is provided at Croydon University Hospital and at Purley War Memorial Hospital
CT Scanning is by appointment only and is provided at Croydon University Hospital and at Purley War Memorial hospital.
MRI Scanning is by appointment only and is provided at Croydon University Hospital in joint partnership with InHealth.
DEXA scanning is by appointment only and is provided at Purley War Memorial hospital
Breast Imaging is by appointment only and is provided at Croydon University Hospital
Interventional and non-interventional fluoroscopy is by appointment only and is provided at Croydon University Hospital
We treat
- CT
- Indications for direct access CT:
- Report of a direct access imaging investigation advises a CT scan in
- order to avoid delays in the patient pathway
- Headaches according to agreed referral criteria (see below)
- Indications for referral for direct access head CT:
Red flag features:
- New headache with known active or potentially active malignant disease or HIV.
- New headache with persistent vomiting.
- New headache with significant focal signs or symptoms.
- New headache with papilloedema
- New headache with history compatible with raised intracranial pressure such as worse on coughing, sneezing, bending or straining, and woken up by headache in the early hours of the morning.
Non red flag headaches:
- Failure of conventional treatment for benign headaches (reasonable trial of anti-migraine drugs, tricyclic agents and analgesic withdrawal)
- Concern that patient cannot be reassured that they do not have a brain tumour without CT scan
- GP feels that they can manage benign headache without referral to secondary care with normal brain CT
Patients requiring an urgent suspected cancer referral should follow the 2 week referral pathway
Please refer to referral guidelines for MRI safety criteria.
DEXA Scanning
This service is available at Purley War Memorial Hospital for adults aged 20 years and over, who are not pregnant and who fit the following criteria:
- Previous fragility/low trauma fracture
- Radiological evidence of osteopenia and/or vertebral deformity
- Perimenopausal women for whom HRT may not be appropriate (including premature menopause age <45 years)
- Prolonged secondary amenorrhoea (>1 year)
- Prolonged cortiscosteriod therapy (>7.5mg Prednisolone for 6 months or more) and not on any bone protection therapy (e.g. Calcium and Vit D)
- Primary hypogonadism
- Family history of osteoporosis especially maternal history of hip fracture
- Loss of height, thoracic kyphosis (after radiological confirmation of vertebral deformity)
- Low body mass index (<19kg.m2)
- Chronic disorders associated with osteoporosis (see below)
- For checking response to existing therapy
- The following is a list of disorders that are associated with secondary osteoporosis (RCP Guidelines):
- Anorexia nervosa
- Malabortion syndromes
- Primary hyperparthyriodism
- Post transplantation
- Chronic renal failure
- Hyperthyroidism
- Prolonged immobilisation
- Cushing's syndrome
- Non-obstetric ultrasound
- Ultrasound is generally available to all patients although certain exclusions apply.
Please note transvaginal ultrasound is contra indicated in the Virgo intactus patients, so a transabdominal scan should be requested instead.
Breast Ultrasounds
These are only accepted from hospital clinicians
Plain film Radiography
All patients of all ages.
Female patients of child bearing age will be asked to confirm if they may be pregnant.
How to refer
CT Scanning
Requests should be made via Sunquest ICE.
MRI Scanning
Requests should be made via Sunquest ICE – decision support software is available to assist with referrals.
Please ask your patient to confirm their appointment at least 48 hours in advance by contacting the MRI Centre Patient Information on 020 8401 3696
DEXA Scanning
Requests should be made via Sunquest ICE.
Non-obstetric ultrasound
Requests should be made via Sunquest ICE.
Plain film Radiography
The methods for ordering plain film radiographs are by:
Preferably via Sunquest ICE for those that have access to the system
Contact information
CT - Tel: 0208 401 3049
MRI – Tel: 0208 401 3696
DEXA - Tel 0208 401 3000
Non-obstetric ultrasound – Tel: 0208 401 3035
Plain film x-rays – Tel: 0208 401 3494
Service Lead: Roger Savill, roger.savill@nhs.net
Clinical Lead: Ketul Patel, ketulpatel@nhs.net
Meet our teams
Service Leads
Radiology Manager
Richard Billington
Consultant Radiologist/Clinical Lead
Dr K Patel
Consultants and Speciality Doctors
Dr Ketul Patel
Dr Nelesh Jeyadevan
Dr Satkurunathan Maheshwaran
Dr Claire Hoskins
Dr Christine Flis
Dr Helena Blake
Dr David Sarma
Dr Ian Stanton
Dr Mohammad Daneshi
Dr Nitin Raitchura
Dr Shikha Pandhi
Dr Eleni Marinaki
Dr Sandeep Divekar
Dr Santhosh Sathiarajan
Dr Smitha Raveendranath
Dr Rucha Madkar
Dr Hossam Mahrous
Dr Ambreen Irfan
Dr Sahan Guruge
Dr Sajal Patel
Dr Laura Pendower
Dr Archie Keeling
Computed Tomography (CT)
Computed Tomography (CT) is a test that uses x-radiation and computer technology to produce three dimensional views of the inside of the body, the images are kept in a digital format and viewed on a computer screen.
- The CT scanner has a large ring shaped aperture and patients pass through the aperture on a moving table, often an injection of x-ray contrast media is used to highlight the bloods vessels and kidneys. The contrast media is not radioactive and patients are able to carry on as normal after the scan. All patients are asked to complete a checklist on arrival in the department to check for any contraindications. Patients having an injection will need to stay in the department for 15 minutes after the scan.
- Generally scans take 5 – 10 minutes, specialised procedures such as biopsies and colonography take around 30 minutes, a full explanation of any scan will be given before the procedure is started.
- The need for a CT scan will be discussed with the patient at their preceding outpatient appointment or GP consultation, any special instructions will be sent with the appointment letter.
- The results are available from the patient’s GP via Sunquest ICE or Hospital Clinician. Please note we are not able to give any results at the time of the scan.
- The service is available at Croydon University Hospital and Purley War Memorial Hospital and patients may be booked appointments at either site, the waiting time for routine appointments is 4-6 weeks. We are currently experiencing long waits for routine scans.
Requests and results
Results and reports are sent back to GPs via Sunquest ICE or to the referring clinicians in the hospital if requested by them.
Contact information
Croydon University Hospital
530 London Road
020 8401 3049
Purley War Memorial Hospital
856 Brighton Road
020 8401 3240
Bone density scan service (DEXA)
Dual energy X-ray absortiometry (DEXA) scans are used to measure bone mineral density. This is a common test for osteoporosis.
This service is only available at Purley War Memorial Hospital by appointment only.
Purley Hospital’s diagnostic services can be used by anyone who has been sent by their GP or other medical professional - you need a referral to use
these services. The hospital offers digital X-Ray, DEXA (bone density) and ultrasound scans mostly done by sonographers and can be used as an alternative to travelling to Croydon University Hospital. You will be given an appointment by your healthcare professional to use these services.
Referral criteria
- This service is available to adults aged 20 years and over, who are not pregnant and who fit the following criteria:
- Previous fragility/low trauma fracture
- Radiological evidence of osteopenia and/or vertebral deformity
- Perimenopausal women for whom HRT may not be appropriate (including premature menopause age <45 years)
- Prolonged secondary amenorrhoea (>1 year)
- Prolonged cortiscosteriod therapy (>7.5mg Prednisolone for 6 months or more) and not on any bone protection therapy (e.g. Calcium and Vit D)
- Primary hypogonadism
- Family history of osteoporosis especially maternal history of hip fracture
- Loss of height, thoracic kyphosis (after radiological confirmation of vertebral deformity)
- Low body mass index (<19kg.m2)
- Chronic disorders associated with osteoporosis (see below)
- For checking response to existing therapy
- The following is a list of disorders that are associated with secondary osteoporosis (RCP Guidelines):
- Anorexia nervosa
- Malabortion syndromes
- Primary hyperparthyriodism
- Post transplantation
- Chronic renal failure
- Hyperthyroidism
- Prolonged immobilisation
- Cushing's syndrome
Requests and results
Requests should be made via Sunquest ICE
Results are sent back to GPs via email
Contact information
DEXA scans
Purley War Memorial Hospital
856 Brighton Road
Tel: 020 8401 3240
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) unit
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is well established at Croydon Health services and the MRI unit is provided in partnership with InHealth Group.
MRI scans
MRI scans are available to investigate conditions affecting the hips, knees, lumbar spine and shoulders. Direct access is currently limited to lumbar spine investigations only.
The MRI unit is provided in partnership with InHealth, offering patients closed and highfield open scanners ensuring accessibility for bariatric and claustrophobic patients.
The service is available only at Croydon University Hospital and the maximum wait is six weeks for non-urgent referrals.
Referral criteria
Patients requiring an urgent suspected cancer referral should follow the 2 week referral pathway.
Requests and results
Requests should be made via Sunquest ICE.
Results and reports are sent back to GPs via Sunquest ICE.
For downtimes procedures click here.
Contact information
MRI Unit
Croydon University Hospital
530 London Road
Tel: 020 8401 3696
Email: ch-tr.mri@nhs.net
Additional Information
Please ask your patient to confirm their appointment at least 48 hours in advance by contacting the MRI Centre Patient Information on 020 8401 3696.
General Ultrasound
General ultrasound includes abdominal, renal tract, pelvis, transvaginal, paediatrics, small part (testes/ thyroid/ neck/ soft tissue) and musculoskeletal scans. This is a consultant and sonographer led service with assistants who act as chaperones, and the department consists of five suites across two sites equipped with high resolution ultrasound scanners.
The routine wait times are between four to six weeks but urgent referrals will be seen within two weeks. We are currently experiencing longer wait times for routine requests.
General ultrasound is available at Croydon University Hospital and Purley War Memorial Hospital by appointment only. Some patients may be sent to Purley Way Memorial Hospital instead of Croydon University Hospital in managing the demand on the service.
Ultrasound is generally available to all patients although certain exclusions apply.
Please note transvaginal ultrasound is not contra indicated in the Virgo intactus patients, so a transabdominal scan should be requested instead.
Breast ultrasounds requests are only accepted from hospital clinicians.
Requests and results
Requests should be made via Sunquest ICE or internally via Cerner.
Results and reports are sent back to GPs via Sunquest ICE or internally via Cerner.
Contact information
Croydon Health Services NHS Trust
530 London Road
Tel: 020 8401 3035
Email: ch-tr.radiology@nhs.net
Purley War Memorial Hospital
856 Brighton Road
Tel: 020 8401 3240
Email: ch-tr.radiology@nhs.net
X-ray (plain radiography) is a diagnostic test using x-radiation and computer technology to produce a two dimensional picture of the inside of the body. It is often used as a first line imaging test to look for evidence of injury or disease.
The test is carried out by a radiographer, who positions the patient between the x-ray machine and the x-ray detector. A beam of x-rays is passed through the patient which is not felt by the patient.
The exposure time is a fraction of a second. Some types of body tissue (e.g. bone) stop more of the x-rays than others (e.g. lung). This determines the amount of x-rays that reach the detector, which allows a diagnostic image to be produced. The image is stored on a computer.
The procedure may be performed with the patient standing, sitting or lying down, depending on which body part is being imaged. Several images (projections) may be required for a single examination.
We provide a walk-in service for x-ray at both Croydon University Hospital and Purley War Memorial Hospital.
Croydon University Hospital:
- Monday to Friday 8am to 19.15pm (excluding bank holidays)
- Saturday & Sunday between 9am and 12.15pm
Purley War Memorial Hospital:
- Monday to Friday 9am to 12pm, 2pm to 4.30pm (excluding bank holidays)
You do not need an appointment to attend our walk-in service, but you must have a referral from your doctor. These are usually sent to us electronically although you may be provided with a paper copy (which we do not require). X-ray requests are valid for 6 weeks from date of referral.
Referral criteria
All patients of all ages.
Female patients of child bearing age will be asked to confirm if they may be pregnant.
Requests and results
The methods for ordering X-rays are via Sunquest or internally via Cerner
Results and reports are sent back to GPs via mode of referral (Sunquest ICE/Cerner).
Contact information
Croydon University Hospital
530 London Road
Tel: 020 8401 3494
Email: ch-tr.radiology@nhs.net
Purley War Memorial Hospital
856 Brighton Road
Tel: 020 8401 3240
Email: ch-tr.radiology@nhs.net
Downtime procedures
"Downtime" refers to a period of time when electronic diagnostic requests cannot be made on Sunquest ICE.
During a period of downtime GPs should make requests using downtime forms.
Contact information
Tel: IT support 020 8401 3838
Email: ch-tr.it@nhs.net