Looking back on last week's International Nurses and Midwives Day celebrations | Trust news

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Looking back on last week's International Nurses and Midwives Day celebrations

Last week the atmosphere at CUH was buzzing with energy and appreciation as we celebrated Interntional Nurses Day and International Day of the Midwife alongside our dedicated staff.

The week-long festivities were a testament to the hard work and compassion of our nurses and midwives at the Trust.

To kick off the week, we welcomed everyone to our 'Quality Street' display in the PGMC dining area, showcasing innovative nursing projects and Continuous Quality Improvement (CQI) initiatives.

Throughout the week, our teams embarked on trolley dashes handing out small parcels with goodies as a token of appreciation both within the hospital and out in the community. 

 On Friday we held a special Croydon Cares event held in the PGMC lecture room, where attendees were treated to inspiring messages from our chaplaincy and Chief Nurse. The session also featured our highly anticipated annual awards ceremony, where we recognised the outstanding contributions of our nursing and midwifery staff.

Our Award Winners were:

  • Sherelle Copeland, for Rising Star Award - Nursing and Maternity 
  • Tamara Wright, for runner up Rising Star Award - Nursing and Maternity 
  • Caroline Adams for Nursing Leader of the Year
  • Mary Dehinbo for Midwifery Leader of the Year
  • Sunitha Mattew for Nursing Associate of the year
  • Abena Asante for runner up Nursing Associate of the year
  • Paramdeep Nandhra for Midwifery/ Nursing Educator of the Year
  • Jackie Moxon for runner up Midwifery/ Nursing Educator of the Year 
  • AMU for Midwifery/ Nursing Team of the Year
  • Edgecombe 2 for runner up Midwifery/ Nursing Team of the Year
  • Brenda Townshend for Nurse of the year
  • Henrietta Sims for runner up Nurse of the year
  • Hannah Lloyd for Midwife of the year


Later that evening, the Oasis Restaurant transformed into an exciting party as we wrapped up the week with a grand celebration. Attendees were treated to a special performance from the 'Perfectly Imperfect Voices', a choir made up of our very own nurses and a dazzling fashion show. 

Colleagues danced throughout the evening dancing to the tunes of the talented DJ Ken, one of our Matrons. The night wouldn't have been complete without a bit of karaoke, offering everyone a chance to showcase their hidden talents, and it was perfectly captured with beautiful pictures and videos by Val Kenneth Lucido, Trainee Nursing Associate from ITU, and you can view the video below.

The week of celebrations were not only a time to honor our remarkable nurses and midwives but also a reminder of the incredible impact they have on our patients in Croydon every day.

We'd like to say a special thanks to Sandra Mason and Maija Hansen for pulling htis event together, and a big thank you to everyone else who participated and contributed to making this week unforgettable.

Watch the video filmed by Ken o see how it went:





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