Changes to school age immunisation and BCG programmes in Croydon | Trust news

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Changes to school age immunisation and BCG programmes in Croydon

Following the recent recommissioning of children and young people’s immunisation programmes across the country, some immunisation services in Croydon will now be delivered by the South London Children and Young Peoples Community Immunisation Service, run by Hounslow and Richmond Community Healthcare (HRCH) NHS Trust.

School age immunisation and BCG services will continue to be offered to babies, children, young people and their families in Croydon and will be delivered by the same staff, in schools and clinics across Croydon, under the new direction of HRCH. 

The team have a successful history of providing immunisations across South London for over a decade. We are working closely with HRCH and local schools to ensure that everything is in place to continue to offer school age and seasonal vaccinations from 1 September 2024.

Young people and their families will be contacted by HRCH or directly by their school, as and when they require immunisations. Children and young people will also be able to access immunisations at any stage, regardless of whether they have missed previous opportunities to be vaccinated, as part of an addition ‘evergreen’ offer.

Further information will be available from the South London Children and Young Peoples Community Immunisation Service in the coming weeks.


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