Keep in good ‘elf this festive season, says Croydon’s NHS | Trust news

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Keep in good ‘elf this festive season, says Croydon’s NHS

As Croydon residents make their final plans for Christmas, the borough’s NHS is reminding them to take action to help them stay healthy and well through the festive period.

Older people, young children and those with long term conditions such as asthma, can be more vulnerable to winter illnesses, which is why Croydon Health Services NHS Trust is encouraging everyone to take care of their health as cold weather approached.

Elaine Clancy, Joint Chief Nurse at Croydon Health Services NHS Trust and Croydon Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) said:

We want people to make sure they get help at the first signs of a winter illness, in the right place for them. To relieve the symptoms of upset stomachs, coughs and colds, people in Croydon can visit their pharmacist. If you think you need medical help fast, but it’s not an emergency, you can speak to NHS 111 - by phone or online, so that they can direct you to the right help for you."

The Trust is supporting the NHS ‘Help Us Help You campaign, offering advice on how to stay healthy as temperatures drop and in navigating the right NHS service for their medical need, and understanding the actions they can take, to better enable the NHS to help them.

“Last December, we treated a large number patients for chest infections and chronic breathing difficulties.

“By making sure that they keep their homes warm, wrap up when heading outside and ensuring they have adequate amounts of any prescription medication they need for conditions like asthma, Croydon residents can make sure that they can tackle a winter illness as soon as it appears, so that they’re able to concentrate on enjoying this festive season.”

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